How To Get More Leads, Close More Sales and Make Massive Amounts of Money Without Reading Books, Attending Seminars or Paying For a Mentor*CF%20Closer*jpg?alt=media&token=5be6c878-dc95-4fc2-a405-7f714a5ff243

Let's be real here, we ALL got into sales because we weren't born with a silver spoon in our mouth. Had we grown up with money, went to Harvard and been able to start life out as a CEO, we would have never got a job in sales.

Sales is the ultimate income equalizer.

I once met a dude who graduated from Harvard Law. He was an attorney for a title company earning $150,000 per year on salary. I felt bad for him. I was making about $300,000 per year at the time, without student debt, without having paid $500k for school. Hell, I never made it past the 9th grade and I was making double what he was, working in sales, and he went to fucking HARVARD!

It was at that moment I knew that sales was THE BEST industry on the planet.

No matter your background
No matter your up-brining
No matter your net worth
No matter if you come from money
No matter your race
No matter what country you were born in

Sales was equal opportunity for anyone willing to work in it and excel at it.

I've never had a salaried job in my life. Every job I've ever worked at was commission only. I've never even had a commission + base pay gig. I always bet on myself and my sales skills and I've won every time.

Here's the thing though; I've been learning sales since I was 13. My first sales training was See You At The Top cassettes from Zig Ziglar. When I was 24 I hired Zig to mentor me. I've been to 100s of seminars, bought 1000s of books and made 1,000,000s of dollars because of it. In the last decade I've invested over $1,000,000 in sales training and sales masterminds.

I'm not a natural born salesman. I am a self taught salesman who's invested lots of money into my education and lots of time into my efforts. Those investments and expedited actions have turned me into a bonafide sales expert. I understand the human psyche, the way people think and what it takes to get another human being to make a decision better than 99% of the people on the planet. I'm compensated very well because of this.

You didn't get a grueling sales job just to earn an average income. There's literally nothing different than you and me, other than I made investments into myself and my knowledge that has allowed me to pass up 99% of the world in annual income and net worth.

But I damn sure didn't have a headstart

I've had more setbacks in my life than I can count. Every time I got setback, it was always making more sales that allowed me to come back. The answer to 90% of your problems can be solved with more money and the way to make more money is to close more sales.

That's exactly what I want to help you with - Closing More Sales

I've created the Ultimate Sales Closer Bundle just for you. These trainings will help you become a certified sales closing machine.

Here's what you get:
Inbound lead selling system $197 - Whether you generate your own leads, or the company you work for provides them, this program is the step by step process to prospecting, selling and closing leads. It will teach you how to get leads, follow up with leads in a way they like and one call close as many leads as you possibly can.

Permission Based Sales $497 - We live in a society where permission is required. You must opt into email blasts. You have to get permission from someone to call them (or you violate the DNC list) You need permission to have sales conversations with people and this program teaches you how to generate leads who give you permission to sell to them. It's one of the greatest sales trainings in existence.

BFADigital $1997 - This all inclusive program teaches you everything you need to know about social media selling, sales funnels, social media advertising and building a massive pipeline of smoking hot leads who love to give you money. This product has been consumed by over 5,000 people, many of them have gone on to do 8+ figures in annual sales.

1 year of phonesites $1198 - This product is the easiest website creation software on the planet. Even if you have ZERO tech skills, you can build a lead capturing website in about 5 minutes, from your phone that spits out leads 24/7. Our average user gets 88 leads in the first 90 days of using it. There's nothing like Phonesites and if you can think of any website design, phonesites allows you to easily create it.

Closer memes $97 - The old school ways of following up just aren't as effective as they used to be. To the prospect, most follow up is annoying. However, when you use memes, it lightens up the mood, makes them smile and sends a message to them that you got memez skillz, and who doesn't love a good meme? Following up with our meme templates is the best way in existence to get that reluctant prospect to reply to your messages.

Show up and close $497 - This is 30 audios on different closes, different cold call lines, different sales scripts and everything in between. From the first contact to the last follow up, this program lays it all out in the most comprehensive way possible. There's over 10,000 people who've bought an used this training since we created it.

PhoneFunnels $997 - This program teaches you how to create a sales funnel and run ads to it on Facebook and other online platforms. The fastest way to get more sales is to get more leads and Phone Funnels shows you exactly how to get leads from online sources and close em down like the sales pro you are.

All of these programs collectively sell for $5480 but you can get them ALL today for one payment of $247. That's over $5200 in savings for taking action today.

No matter what you sell, you can take the information from these trainings and make 1 sale and see an instant ROI. This is an undeniably amazing deal at a deep discount that goes away soon. There's extremely limited supply here because my older clients are gonna jump my ass for them paying full price and you gettin gall this and saving over $5200

Click the link below to get instant access to all these trainings for only 1 payment of $247